JunYang, Chen (陈骏扬)

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Graduate student majoring in computer science

PAttern Learning and Mining (PALM) Lab,
School of Computer Science and Engineering,
Southeast University

Email: chenjunyang0806@gmail.com


Research Interests

  • Multimodal Vision

  • 3D Object Detection

  • AI in Medical Imaging

Selected Publications

Full list of publications in Google Scholar.

A multiscale lightweight and efficient model based on YOLOv7: Applied to citrus orchard
Junyang Chen, Hui Liu, Yating Zhang, Daike Zhang, Hongkun Ouyang, Xiaoyan Chen
Plants-Basel (SCI), 中科院2区, JCR Q1, 2022.11 [Cited 57 times]
[Paper] [Code]

A multiscale lightweight and efficient model based on YOLOv7: Applied to citrus orchard
Junyang Chen, Qiurui Liu, Zedong Wei, Xi Luo, Mengzhen Lai, Hongkun Chen, Junlin Liu, Yanhong Xu, Jun Li
Frontiers in Medicine (SCI), 中科院3区, JCR Q2, 2023.08
[Paper] [Code]


  • China National Scholarship (Top 0.2%), 2023

  • China National Scholarship (Top 0.2%), 2022